At the risk of bragging, this entry is going to be nothing but positive stuff. I had a stupendous year as a writer! Rest assured, I am still 89% sure y’all hate me and I’m never going to be popular. 😉
Short Story Submissions: 193*
Short Story Acceptances: 15*
Stories Published: 10*
Poetry Submissions: 119*
Poetry Acceptances: 8*
Poems Published: 6
Literary Agents Queried: 18*
Partial or Full MS requests from Agents: 3
Novels directly submitted to publishers: 2
*New High Score!
Non-Numerical Achievements:
I wrote my first Novella this year, based on a previous year’s NanoWriMo novel, trimmed significantly, it was much stronger shorter, and I submitted it to Tor.Com’s open call. It’s still in their queue.
I was invited to talk! For the first time! Thanks to the Harry Science Fiction and Fantasy Club in Canton.
They started a trend because I was also invited to talk to a creative writing class at my alma mater, CWRU. Oh those wee lambs when I busted the hard truth about the finances of writing. (Do not quit thy day job!)
I went to WorldCon for the first time! And I kept up with my goal of going to more conventions by going to Confluence and Concoction.
I became a mentor in the SFWA mentorship program. My mentee is super awesome and I look forward to learning a lot from her as I try to impart what little wisdom I have.
I broke in to these new markets: F&SF, Diabolical Plots, Third Flatiron, Little Blue Marble
I won the first ever Apple Tree Books poetry contest!
I’ve been translated for the first time, and it means a lot to me that it’s in Vietnamese! SF VN translated my story “Keep Talking” so now my mother-in-law can brag about me in her native language. 🙂
If this is the absolute high point of my career (which it likely will be) I don’t want to say I didn’t stop to appreciate it. So, go me! Try to keep it up! Everyone else: please, please don’t hate me for all my success. I know I don’t deserve it and your writing is much, much better!