a roll of film

The Last Jedi

No, I don’t normally do movie reviews here. (I keep that on my Female Chauvinist Movie Reviews series on Livejournal.)  However, this movie is consuming my brain and I feel like it is a very important case study in story telling, theme and plot. Blanket review above-the-spoilers:  This movie, whenever Read more…

two cute cartoon slugs

My Zerg Armada

The Zerg were  a race in a videogame whose main strength was cheap units (Zerglings) and their main strategy was to keep churning them out until you buried your enemies in Zerg. I kinda loved playing as the Zerg. NB: if you google ‘Zerg Swarm” you get an adorable Google Read more…

Girl faces garage interior and says, "There's gotta be something in here I can turn into an FTL drive."

Everything Has Been Invented

I started writing short science fiction with an eye for publication in the 1980s.  I was sixteen and stupid to think I was ready, but that fact remains: I was an intensely serious writer of science fiction before 1990, as intensely serious as a teenager can be. My angst-filled teen Read more…