Cartoon of a robot idly looking at pictures while other robots fight in the background

Action is not Plot

PLOT is not ACTION. It can be easy to confuse the two. I sure have.  I’ve heard great and award-winning authors summarize their view of plot as, “The stuff that happens.” Well, yes… a successful plot is the stuff that happens, but stuff happening is not, in itself, plot. I Read more…

cartoon heart

Hearts and Bodies

This will be cross-posted to Analog’s new blog site. My story in the current issue of Analog has the longest history of any short story I’ve written, and is, like its protagonist, a strange creature of thrown together parts. I’ve wanted to be a science fiction writer as long as Read more…

manuscript in hand

From the Slush Pile

I recently volunteered to be a first-round reader at a fiction magazine. A “slush reader.” I think referring to the mountain of submitted stories as “the slush” started when paper submissions were slipped through the transoms of publishing offices, resulting in a slippery pile of envelopes the employees had to Read more…

Cartoon-Marie cries on cartoon-Brian's shoulder.

It Ain’t Me

“Am I a good writer?” I ask my husband, for the eightieth time today. “Yes,” he says, “Reasie sells lots of stories.” “But,” I say, “the editor at [magazine that just gave me a rejection] doesn’t think I’m a good writer.” “Silly sweetie,” Brian says, “Lots of editors love Reasie!” Read more…

Cartoon of a robot idly looking at pictures while other robots fight in the background

Who Would Win?

Why do we spend so much time speculating about who would win in a fight?  Mostly it’s a cherished pastime of super hero fandom, but I’ve seen “Who would win?” arguments pitching Samurai vs. Knights, Caesar Vs. Napoleon, Mr. Darcy Vs. Heathcliff (okay I never saw that one but c’mon! Read more…