Cartoon of a boy talking to two green-haired girls.

Jimmy’s Planet

In Second Grade, our teacher said we would Make Books.  She had a special book stapler, and a collection of wallpaper samples we could pick for our covers. First we would write out our stories and count the words so she could determine how many pages to give us – Read more…

Cartoon of a closet

Fashion Hates Winter

You want to look cute. You also want to not freeze to death. Strangely, women’s clothing seems to be designed to either be cute or not freezing but never both. Maybe it’s an obsession with showing the skin, but whatever. Women’s clothes are categorically made of thinner material than men’s. Read more…

thoughtful face thinking about sawing a limb off a tree

Adjusting Story Length

When I first started writing fiction, it felt like everything I wrote was either under 1,000 words or over 10,000… and the short fiction markets prefer the lengths between those two extremes. In fact, different fiction markets have different “sweet spots” for what they want. Some magazines prefer 2,000 word Read more…

a bald man with glasses

Sexism and Genre Snobbery

I’ve written before about the bizarre snobbery in genre fiction, where some genres (science fiction) think they are better than others (fantasy). In the SF community this snobbery usually takes the form of, “That trope isn’t plausible. This isn’t SF, it’s fantasy!” (As though a fantasy magazine would buy your Read more…