cartoon of A happy child on the back of a flying giant sting ray

World Building Askance

My friend Louis was telling me about a fictional holiday on the TV show 30Rock called “Leap Day” — like February 29th was an actual holiday with a santa-like character associated with it and a traditional dish and observances… but what sold it to him was there were also traditional Read more…

A cartoon writer imagines a brown-skinned crew on a spaceship, a cartoon reader imagines they are white.

The Benefit of Imaginary Friends

Scientists have discovered that we build pathways in our minds for our fictional friends the same as for people we’ve actually met.  (Article: ) So yes, you really can say Janet on the Good Place is your best friend. Your brain feels the same about her as it does Read more…

Long haired woman in ball gown with crown labelled Queen of Everything

My Very Best Story

“Someone told me they’re adding my story to their Nebula ballot!” I gushed to my friend Nyla. “Which story?” she asked, since, as a member of my writing workshop, she gets to read them all. “Knit Three, Save Four,” I said. She frowned. “But that’s not your best story this Read more…

Marie in her living room wearing a blue and white knit shawl

Write-a-thon 2020 is Done!

Over the past six weeks, I pledged to write 100,000 words for the Clarion Write-a-Thon, to raise money for scholarships to attend the Clarion Science Fiction Writing Workshop. The write-a-thon was exactly like it was back in the before-times since it’s an entirely online event, which feels … nice. Check Read more…

a dried rose on a fence post

Day 146

“For the quarantine,” I said, “I can run the workshop via zoom.” “Yes, I’ll run the game devs meetup on zoom. For the quarantine. Sure, I’ll do the excuse-to-create meetings, too.”After all, it was temporary. I could run a few monthly meetings. What, just for a few months, right? It’s Read more…