Marie swirls her skirt in a factory setting

Why I Dress the Way I Do

This blog request was actually for me to “Describe the perfect dress,” but I’m altering it slightly. Why I like a dress is something impacted by many different things: body image, socio-economic class, generational styles, ethnicity. So, my perfect dress isn’t likely to be someone else’s. Still, yes, it’s a Read more…

screen capture of captain america standing in front of a distinctive monument in a cemetery setting


When I first played D&D as a freshman in college, it was all I could talk about. My writing assignments for English 101 were all D&D-based. I re-wrote Red Riding Hood as play about a roleplaying group. “Wow, with that perception score, all you notice are what big eyes she Read more…

A cartoon purse and a suitcase, crying


I’ve suffered bouts of depression as long as I can remember. I have a vivid memory of being eight years old, crying my eyes out on the upstairs hall carpet, wondering what was wrong with me because I had been feeling sad for days for no reason. I hammered on Read more…