Here is a linked list of all my pieces that are available as audio.
My novel Mega Death is available in mp3 and cd.
My novel Galactic Hellcats is available in audio now at, Kobo and more!
Deshaun Stevens’ Ship Log – Deshaun wants to find love, lose weight, and get a better job. He didn’t count on the aliens.
Trash – Nanlee is a retired spy working as a facilities manager on the moon who has to save her colony from a falling cold-war-era rocket because it’s trash.
Neil Armstrong Vs. Zombie Hitler – this is what it says on the tin.
Cross the Street – In a world where cars rule, it takes courage to walk to the store.
We All Scream – a family-run ice cream truck must defend their city against a rampaging Kaiju.
The First Trebuchet on Mars – what it says on the tin.
Single Malt Spacecraft – using relativity to age whisky
On the Changing Roles of Dock Workers – Mary has a lot of thoughts about her job, and so does the sorting bot she maintains.
We Built This City explores labor organizing on Venus and not living up to your parent’s expectations.
Haunting the Docks – a lonely AI wonders why no one visits their dock anymore.
“Variant Cover: Pantone Sunset” in Escape Pod May 5, 2024: a robot retail worker starts reading comic books and that changes everything.
“The Good Twin” in Simultaneous Times May 15, 2024: impossible gifts and sibling feelings.