My 2024 Author Year in Review
It’s that time! Looking back, it was a chaotic year. I worked harder at self-promotion, I had ten stories come out, but my year was really marked by teaching. I taught: Not to mention all the panels I did at Read more…
It’s that time! Looking back, it was a chaotic year. I worked harder at self-promotion, I had ten stories come out, but my year was really marked by teaching. I taught: Not to mention all the panels I did at Read more…
I have managed to blog almost every week for over a year now. I’m proud of the accomplishment, but I do feel somewhat burned out. Was it worth it, writing the past fifty blog posts? In some ways. I have Read more…
I have 17 blog post drafts, but I don’t feel comfortable posting any of them just now. I’ve been… rather busy. Doing what, you say? Let’s list. I feel simultaneously like I am doing nothing and doing too much. Good Read more…
I wrote this blog post shortly after returning from the Clarion Workshop, in August, 2013. A friend is collecting blog posts about Clarion, and that made me seek it out on my old Livejournal. I’m moving it here for her Read more…
Blog topic suggested by CuMhara O’Holyhead I remember as a new writer being afraid of using character archetypes. I mean not just stereotypes, but the wider, gentler tropes. The typical whatever. Hard Boiled Detective, Sexy Cat Burglar, Laconic Wise Man, Read more…
We were at Paine’s Falls on a lovely summer day and I met a girl my age. We were instant best friends, splashing around in the shallow water of the river, gathering good skipping stones and flinging them to sink Read more…
It’s weird yet gratifying how often, as soon as I reveal my age, someone asks with eager excitement, “What’s your skincare routine?” The implication is that I’m doing something which helps me maintain a youthful look, and that this can Read more…