Miss a Penny, Find a Nickel
My writing workshop was meeting at Edgewater Park today [Sunday June 9], and I volunteered to come early and hold on to a table with a grill. It was good I did this, because judging by the number of people Read more…
Galactic Hellcats and Sequel Move to Lethe Press
Hopefully by now you’ve heard the news that Galactic Hellcats will be re-released by Lethe Press this November, annnd they will also be releasing the sequel, Andrei and the Hellcats, next year! How did this happen? The process of getting Read more…
To Oppose Something is to Maintain It
To oppose something is to maintain it. They say here “all roads lead to Mishnory.” To be sure, if you turn your back on Mishnory and walk away from it, you are still on the Mishnory road. To oppose vulgarity Read more…
The Gentle Art of Minding One’s Own Business
I’m biking home, and I take a wide left, and a woman in a huge SUV shouts out the window to me, “Why didn’t you take the sidewalk?” If this had not been something someone had shouted at me before, Read more…
You Can Change Your Stereotype With a T-Shirt
In seventh grade, I undertook an experiment with the sartorial self, and it had unexpected consequences. It was the first day of school, and I was depressed by my clothing options. The first day of school is the day when Read more…
Dealing with Rejection
Another requested topic! If there’s one thing a writer does more than write, it’s get rejected! … I really wish it were the other way around… Anyway, it can be hard to tell by looking at me now, when I Read more…