Leave Room for Fanfic
There’s a instinct in us as new writers, to tell the story completely. To tie up all the loose ends, say, or to make sure we describe not just how the characters get from the house to the restaurant, but Read more…
There’s a instinct in us as new writers, to tell the story completely. To tie up all the loose ends, say, or to make sure we describe not just how the characters get from the house to the restaurant, but Read more…
When I was packing for the Clarion Writing Workshop in 2013, I picked a book to bring. I knew that, even with as busy I would be, I’d want a nice long one to last the six weeks, so I Read more…
As writers, we get to set everything up so that nothing is our hero’s fault; the villains are just BAD for no reason, and that can feel pleasurable. But, it’s a dangerous thing to do. Here’s why. Real evil comes Read more…
… disappointed I can’t come up with a version of my name with the same number of syllables as “Carmen Sandiago.” Marie Vi-i-ber-ert? AHEM. I went and did it again and said yes to a lot of stuff, so I Read more…
I believe in being open about money; how much you make isn’t a dirty secret, it’s something to share with others so we can know when we aren’t being treated equitably. To that end, I thought I should make a Read more…
As mentioned in my previous post on the year in review, it was a great year for me as a writer. My goal this year was to get my submission stats back up to where they were pre-pandemic, when I Read more…
Honestly, I was gonna take a year off on this, but it is handy to look back on the year’s successes. What did I do this year? I got my first-ever Nebula and Hugo nominations! Got my first ever unsolicited Read more…