cartoon of woman riding a bike uphill

First Gear

A friend of mine had recently gotten into cycling, and asked me, “I’m confused. Isn’t it that the lower a gear is, the more you have to pedal to move forward?” “Yes,” I said. “And higher gears allow you to go faster because each pedal push will turn the wheels Read more…

girl in yellow dress with yarn and a knitting needle

A Stitch in Time

I first heard the phrase “A stitch in time saves nine” from the book by that name by Madeleine L’Engle, so it’s no wonder I assumed it had an esoteric and possibly magical meaning. I remember asking someone to explain it to me — my older sister? My mother? It Read more…

Marie throws up teal chalk dust like she's casting magic in an abandoned factory.

Against Magic

We have a salad vending machine at work. It was the cause of some excitement. “It’s like magic!” a co-worker said. “Robots making salad!” Except, every morning, a cafeteria worker was dicing up the ingredients to the machine’s specifications, and another worker came and filled the machine and cleaned it. Read more…