On Injured Reserve
I haven’t updated this blog for two weeks because I have been in the hospital. So sorry, everyone. I’ve not written so much as a clever tweet lately. I am recovering from surgery now and should be back on my feet soon!
For not-writer stuff
I haven’t updated this blog for two weeks because I have been in the hospital. So sorry, everyone. I’ve not written so much as a clever tweet lately. I am recovering from surgery now and should be back on my feet soon!
No illustrated blog post this week. I’m back in the hospital AGAIN. Being a languishing waif is nowhere near as romantic as I was lead to believe.
Well, it’s official – I have Victorian Novel Heroine’s Disease. It’s incurable, the doctors are stumped, and I have developed a habit of fainting. I’m weak and helpless but not coughing or snotting or anything that would make me poor company. Why, yes, I am spending a lot of time Read more…
Despite my frailty, which has included an inability to stand upright for more than 15 minutes, I went to the Cleveland Inkubator today at the main branch of the Cleveland Public Library. This is billed as an “UNconference” a free day-long event of workshops and lectures for aspiring writers. One Read more…
Remember those terrible health issues I was having? That got all better on their own? Not so much. Many people asked me, “Can you at least glean something from this experience to make a story?” Maybe? Someday? Mostly I’ve felt… Not quite here. I joked about having come up with Read more…
I have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. First of all, that the doctors have finally figured out what is wrong with me and I will soon embark on a plan to heal! Treatment at last, rather than juts pain management. You can’t imagine the relief. Secondly, Analog has Read more…
So, yeah… the intestines aren’t working again. This time the doctors say they see ulcerations, so at least it’s not all in my head. The symptoms are the same as always. I can’t eat, I have horrible pain, and I expel gas like a deflating Thanksgiving Parade. Seriously. Where does Read more…