My story “Hold the Moment” about a woman who invents a time-freezing machine and tries to be a successful single mother at the same time, is in the June Analog.

(Plug: the story takes place at my Alma Mater, Case Western Reserve University.)

It was rejected 16 times before selling, by all the best places. (I’m looking at you, Asimov’s and Clarkesworld.)

The last tweak I made to this story before it sold was changing the title. It had been called “The Time Non-Traveler” which I changed to “Hold the Moment.” The new title focuses more on the human relationships and central theme of the story, I think: a parent trying to hold on to fleeting adolescence.

Well, that and I wanted to write about a time machine being used for naps, because let’s face it… number one use for a time machine in my book.

Subscriptions (including eBook) are available on Amazon or at Analog’s website.  Single issues are usually available at Barnes and Noble.

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And look! They put my name on the cover this time! Officially NOT a failure. I think. Maybe. Was that egotistical to say? I’m sorry.

This does mean that I have no “Coming Soons” any more, which is the periodic moment when I feel like I’m going to die / never publish again.

Categories: Announcement