
“If you’re waiting for your muse, I’ve got news for you; he or she is on a beach in Maui!” -Robert Crais

(Best-selling author and wearer of fabulous Hawaiian shirts.)

I realized years ago that if I wanted to be a professional at writing, I had to write when I wasn’t “inspired”.  There is no muse to wait on – not if you’re a professional.  Professionals have to work every day.  Bricklayers don’t get to say they aren’t in the mood to lay bricks today.


So it actively irritates me whenever someone talks about their ‘muse’.  As far as I can see, a muse is a personification of not taking responsibility for your writing.

In the off-chance that they do exist, and you have one, don’t let it near me because I shoot muses on sight. GRAR.
