Wew! I got to take a nice break after all those events in July and August and … oh, bother, is my break over already? It is? I have upcoming events? Well, better make a blog post so people know where to find me and I know where I’m going.
Tuesday, September 12, I’ll be at the Norwalk Public Library at 5:30pm to answer all your questions about this writing gig.
Thursday, September 14, I will be giving a lecture to employees at American Greetings! It’s part of a staff enrichment day thing. It’ll be odd facing an audience full of people who actually earn a living with their writing!
Friday, September 22, I will be giving a talk at Cleveland’s free Inkubator Writing Conference at the downtown library. My session is at 10am and is called “Three Sentences to Unlock Your Plot.”
Saturday, September 30, I’ll be teaching “The Art of Finishing” for Reach Your Apex online. Sign up to learn all about how to get things DONE.
Saturday, October. 7 – Sunday October 8 I will be at the Utopia Climate Fiction online conference.
Wednesday, October 18- Sunday October 22 I am hoping to be at WorldCon in Chengdu, China! WOW. This is really happening.
October 27-29 I will be at Astronomicon in Rochester, NY!