How is it the year 2025?? I feel like we’re moving past “jet pack” and into “If man is still alive…”

Anyway, I have a book coming out in July. Galactic Hellcats 2: Andrei and the Hellcats! So I am planning on doing a LOT of events as I spread the glorious word of Andrei the sex-positive sex robot.

Events planned SO FAR:

January 24-26: Confusion in Detroit
February 8-9: Capricon in Chicago
February 18: Teaching a prose class for Literary Cleveland
March 7-9: ConCoction Cleveland in Aurora, Ohio
March 8: Akron Book Fest (yes, I’m daytripping down and back from Concoction.)
March 21-23: Cleveland Fan Expo
July 25-27: Confluence in Pittsburgh
August 13-17: Worldcon in Seattle
August 28-September 1: DragonCon in Atlanta

Excelsior! Looking forward to meeting new friends and old. Find me in the nearest hotel bar, nursing a manhattan. 😀

Categories: Announcement