Sorry my last post was so cranky.

I had a surgical procedure.  My health is doing better now.

I’ve started knitting again.


And my sister and I are talking about collaborating on a comic. Just ‘cuz.  No submission deadline, no contest, no pressures… just… drawing and writing together. That’s pretty awesome. I love working with my twin.


Our premise is pretty light now. I’m calling it “Middle Aged Urban Fantasy” and it’s about a Mocha Fairy and a fresh water mermaid.


That’s my attempt to draw freshwater mermaid. Hrm. I think I made her too angry looking.  Anyway, Gracie is an actual artist who can draw, so her drawings will be WAY better, and maybe my writing won’t suck and it’ll be awesome to have a comic about a mermaid in Lake Erie! yay!

It feels good to think about making new things.


Categories: Blathering