I occasionally throw some non-fiction into the world, too. One cannot lie all the time!
Casual-Read Articles
“A Match Made in Heaven [Review of the 1966 NFL Season]” For Galactic Journeys.
Brown is the Color of My True Love Team [1968 NFL Season Preview] – for Galactic Journeys
Franz Kafka and the Bra – I threw this up on Medium because I was proud of it.
Flash Fiction Served Neat, With a Twist a craft-of-writing article for Apex
Thoughtful Use of Jargon and Labels in Fiction – another craft article for Apex
Playtesting Card Games for the SFWA blog
Study of Science Fiction
“Jobs and Class of Main Characters in Science Fiction” in BSFA’s Vector magazine issue 294 – a special issue on Jobs and Class for 2022. I attempted to make a statistical analysis of the jobs and class of main characters in notable science fiction works to answer the question: do we see more rich or poor main characters? Does fiction reflect real demographics as far as the relative frequency of rich and poor?
“The Women We Can See in Analog” – essay detailing my research findings on the frequency of female names among fiction credits in Analog since it’s founding to today. Printed in Analog in November, 2020. Collected data is available on the Open Science Framework: Female Names in Writer Credits in Science Fiction Magazines 1926-2010.
A personal essay on being an SCA Fighter appeared in Argot Magazine in March 2018
Grid Iron Girl Geek — a complete but unpublished memoir of my first four years playing women’s tackle football.
Headdresses of the 14th and 15th Centuries: The Complete Anachronist issue 133 – A chapbook surveying probable construction and history of the iconic hats of the Northern Renaissance. Illustrated by Grace Vibbert — Item code CA133 at https://members.sca.org/apps/#Store