I had a dream that I had a pet pig. Her name was Priscilla and she was a little more cartoon-shaped than real pigs, with a round fat head and diminutive snout. She was pink with stiff white hairs on her. She felt wonderful to nuzzle. So warm. So affectionate. But her large size was a problem indoors, and she followed me everywhere. I worried about her getting stuck in elevators.

The library where I work was transformed in this dream into a very tall building, with the whole university in one skyscraper, and I had to get either to the ground floor or the penthouse, where there were giftshops, to get a leash for Priscilla to keep her safe.
But there weren’t any leashes big enough for her cartoon-fat neck!
So I sat Priscilla down and hugged her and promised not to go in any more elevators.
This dream hung with me for days, even weeks. Then it faded and I dreamed about Oscar. Oscar was my pet octopus, about the size of a softball, mostly white he’d turn pink or orange on his tips to show emotion. He was affectionate and hugged my fingers. I was constantly afraid of dropping him down a drain or that he’d suffocate or dry out so I was always running to sinks to wash him in fresh water.

Which is about when I realized I’m having an awful lot of dreams about caregiving for vulnerable creatures.