Instead of, say, writing, I’m devoting all my time to eating pumpkin spice products. I thought I should share my wisdom with the internet. (That, and some friends have asked me to ‘report back’.)

Round One:

Pumpkin Spice Oreos

Pumpkin Spice Oreos


Pumpkin Spice Fudge STripes

Pumpkin Spice Fudge Stripes


I opened the oreos first. I noticed that the package carefully says “cream” after “pumpkin spice” – the reason is that though the filling is a limited-edition pumpkinish substance, the cookie is their regular vanilla cream oreo.

The filling has an appealing dark color, but I found the flavor to be, well, subtle.  Vanilla cream predominates even when only the filling is consumed.  Hints of cinnamon and ginger.

The Fudge Stripes were messier – their white frosting on the outside was soft and smeary.

It got on everything. But I did like that the cookie itself was dark and spicey in color, and the flavor was much more pronounced than the Oreo. Ginger, Cinnamon, Clove and maybe nutmeg and allspice. It was everything I hope for in pumpkin spiceness. And the messy frosting was reminiscent of cinnamon bun frosting, in a mass-produced way.

Still, after several of these bad boys dunked in my pumpkin spice tea, I enjoyed the milder flavor of the Oreo more.  I think, in the end, the cookies made good compliments to each other.

Winner: ME.

Thank you for playing.

Marie with yellow butterfly in hair

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