cartoon of a ballerina hanging from a wire

Hook Me

When I was still unpublished, I spent a lot of time worrying about My First Line and Hooking The Reader.  If my very first line didn’t grab the reader by the throat and make them incapable of doing anything other than reading on, how would I ever break in?? This… Read more…

Cartoon of a robot idly looking at pictures while other robots fight in the background

Action is not Plot

PLOT is not ACTION. It can be easy to confuse the two. I sure have.  I’ve heard great and award-winning authors summarize their view of plot as, “The stuff that happens.” Well, yes… a successful plot is the stuff that happens, but stuff happening is not, in itself, plot. I Read more…

manuscript in hand

From the Slush Pile

I recently volunteered to be a first-round reader at a fiction magazine. A “slush reader.” I think referring to the mountain of submitted stories as “the slush” started when paper submissions were slipped through the transoms of publishing offices, resulting in a slippery pile of envelopes the employees had to Read more…

a woman holds a vase and says "Look what I made" to another person who says "You should" while thinking of a very different vase.

The Deadly Whatabouts

In writing workshops, sometimes you find yourself with nothing to say about a particular story.  It’s either so not your thing you don’t know how to improve it, or it’s just plain good already. The dangerous temptation is to come up with something to say, anyway, something minor or weird, Read more…

thoughtful face thinking about sawing a limb off a tree

From Concept to Pitch

On Saturday, November 10, I attended a sweet workshop at Case Western Reserve University’s Writing Center.  The presenter was Linda Robertson, and the topic was “Speculative Fiction: From Concept to Pitch.” Attendees were asked to submit a brief (one page) story concept, and in addition to taking us through the Read more…

Cartoon girl head with thought balloon containing a tree

Why Plot?

Why do we need plot anyway, the stupid thing!? Why does it think it’s so important, instead of, say, character or really delicious scene description? These are the question newbie-me asked many times, when I was so good at dialog and character and scenes but I just hadn’t figured out Read more…