cartoon of a girl hugging a football

On Injured Reserve

I haven’t updated this blog for two weeks because I have been in the hospital.  So sorry, everyone. I’ve not written so much as a clever tweet lately. I am recovering from surgery now and should be back on my feet soon!

cartoon blob monster oozes over a house

I was a teenage monster

In sixth grade, we were given the assignment to draw a self-portrait and then write six words that described ourselves. It was a lesson on adjectives. I picked “Obnoxious”, “Fat”, “Loquacious”, “Stupid”, “Grotesque”, and “lazy.” I was bitterly proud of my vocabulary.  (“Loquacious” was my attempt to be nice to Read more…

rough sketch of circles on top of each other

The Pain

Remember those terrible health issues I was having? That got all better on their own? Not so much. Many people asked me, “Can you at least glean something from this experience to make a story?” Maybe? Someday?  Mostly I’ve felt… Not quite here. I joked about having come up with Read more…