Apex Magazine Story of the Year – Vote now!
Voting is open for the Apex Magazine Story of the Year 2014! Choose your favorite story from last year. (Yes, my story “Keep Talking” is on the list. Why not buy the issue and see how awesome it is?)
Voting is open for the Apex Magazine Story of the Year 2014! Choose your favorite story from last year. (Yes, my story “Keep Talking” is on the list. Why not buy the issue and see how awesome it is?)
I totally totally won Apex Magazine’s Story of the Year, against some pretty AMAZING competition! I am flabbergasted! The magazine has also put the story up on their website now for your free enjoyment. Thank you to everyone who purchased a copy of the issue! I’m not worthy! I’m not Read more…
I was hosting my monthly writer’s workshop, The Cajun Sushi Hamsters, in my first “real” post-college apartment. I was in the tiny kitchen, and so was Hugo-winner Maureen McHugh. Geoff Landis, who also has won Hugos, joined us. As always happens, once you get a few people in the kitchen, Read more…
Here is my Obligatory Awards Eligibility Post for 2015. You know, in case you happen to have nomination rights for the Nebula or Hugo or Year’s Best Anthologies Left In This Coffee Shop. I had two pro fiction sales that were published in 2015: “Neil Armstrong Vs. Zombie Hitler,” which Read more…
Hey guys. Guess what, it’s Awards Season for us Science Fiction Writers and so a lot of people will be writing these here “Award Eligibility” posts where they list and link their stories that are eligible for professional awards – that is, stories that appeared in SFWA-Approved markets for the Read more…
Here are the stories I have published this year that are eligible for your consideration for the Hugo, Nebula, or Best Author on the East Side Who Doesn’t Have A Mustache, or whatever. (10 short stories and 6 poems. If that’s too much to read through, my favorite one was Read more…
At the risk of bragging, this entry is going to be nothing but positive stuff. I had a stupendous year as a writer! Rest assured, I am still 89% sure y’all hate me and I’m never going to be popular. 😉 Short Story Submissions: 193* Short Story Acceptances: 15* Stories Read more…