Vintage: How to Do It
Okay I vlog’ed again. Someone should stop me. I spent waaaay too much time editing together what was waaaay too much video for this. Still easier than drawing.
Fashion Hates Winter
You want to look cute. You also want to not freeze to death. Strangely, women’s clothing seems to be designed to either be cute or not freezing but never both. Maybe it’s an obsession with showing the skin, but whatever. Women’s clothes are categorically made of thinner material than men’s. Read more…
Things Your Long-Haired Protagonist Can’t Do
Yes, rather than write yet another year-in-review post for New Years Eve, I’ve decided to give you just the next thing I had on my mind. I’ve noticed again that people like to write about characters with long, flowing hair, and then they like to ignore the consequences of that Read more…
Das Nibelun-gown
Now mark ye what I say. Silks I have myself; see ye that men do bring us jewels upon their shields and thus we’ll work the clothes. – Das Nibelungenlied This is a story that starts in 2010. I was at the Pennsic War – a two-week medieval recreation (SCA) Read more…
Class and Clothing
A wealthy politician in jeans and a t-shirt looks like a wealthy politician in jeans and a t-shirt. Part of it is the skin. People who work outdoors, especially people with pale skin, end up with more texture to their skin. You can’t fake that texture. We like to think Read more…
My Skincare Routine
It’s weird yet gratifying how often, as soon as I reveal my age, someone asks with eager excitement, “What’s your skincare routine?” The implication is that I’m doing something which helps me maintain a youthful look, and that this can be passed on. My knee-jerk answer is it can’t. I Read more…