So, this weekend was the Global Game Jam. My husband and I made a 3D game scripted from a text adventure. I started writing in Twine but attempts to import from Twine to Unity failed. If your only tool is a hammer, all your problems look like nails, so… uh, I wrote the entire thing in HTML.
Which means that, before importing into Unity and making the game, I had a working text adventure. Mind you, it’s not that big or elaborate. I wrote it in a few hours and it took longer to get it imported into WordPress. Here it is, below. I hope you like it.
Or check out the Game Jam Page for the 3D version compiled for Windows.
Space Princess Coronation
A text adventure written at the Global Game Jam 2016

I don’t want to be coronated!
I’m ready; let’s do this.

The droid says, “That’s too bad. This is a monarchy, not a democracy; you don’t get a vote. Now move your Royal butt or I am authorized to move it for you.”I’ll move my butt.
Make me. I dare you.

The droid says, “You have made the right decision. This is the beginning of the Ritual of Acceptance. Enter the first chamber and perform the dance of the ancients. (That’s the one with the hand waving. Not that I thought you’d forgotton.)”You now have a cybernetic hand.Proceed to the First Chamber
Or you could Run away!

The droid says, “I want you to know that this hurts my dignity more than it hurts yours.”
You gain a few bruises.You no longer have a cybernetic hand.The droid carries you to The First Chamber.

This chamber is large with the same chrome and wood walls as the entryway and hall. However, some of the floor tiles are milky glass instead of black marble, and these strobe with light.Of course you remember the Dance of the Ancients. You’ve practiced it a stupid number of times.Perform the stupid dance
Screw that. Who wants to be a queen, anyway?
You do the funky chicken. You feel a little more human.You no longer have a cybernetic arm.
Return to the Entryway.
You do the stupid dance. You die a little inside.
You now have a cybernetic arm.
A new door opens.
Proceed to the Second Chamber
The bot frowns. “What are you doing back here? I can see you haven’t done the dance of the ancients. Don’t you know that everyone is counting on you? I…”
The ship is rocked by an explosion. You struggle to keep your feet.
The droid flails. His expression blanks as he accesses the ship’s systems. “Borgon Cruisers are attacking the ship. With everyone locked into ritual mode we cannot fight back! This is a disaster! I am vaguely certain this is your fault.”
The marble floor breaks with a horrible sound and clouds of dust. The bot falls into a fissure and sticks, half into it.
You pick up the bot and carry it with you back to the First Chamber. Perhaps you can save everyone if you perform the rituals quickly and end the coronation.
You flee to the shuttle that brought you here. Every princess for herself!

The ship is rocked by an explosion. You struggle to keep your feet.
The droid flails. His expression blanks as he accesses the ship’s systems. “Oh no! Borgon Cruisers are attacking the ship! With everyone locked into ritual mode we cannot fight back! We’re doomed!”
The marble floor breaks with a horrible sound and clouds of dust. The bot falls into a fissure and sticks, half into it.
You pick up the bot and carry it with you to the door to perform the ritual. Perhaps you can save everyone if you perform the rituals quickly and end the coronation.
You flee to the shuttle that brought you here. Every princess for herself!
As your shuttle flees, you have just enough time to watch the Starship Resplendant be torn apart before the Borgons fire on you, killing you in a fireball of death.Well, that went well.
Game Over

I don’t trust myself to improvise. I’m going back and taking my chances.
As you run back to the entryway, the wall opens, jettisoning you to the unforgiving vacuum of space.Well, that went well.
Game Over
You grab the droid’s arm and wave it in the manner the Staff of Peace was supposed to wave, and insert it into the slot on the door, which opens.
The droid looks impressed. You walk through into an octagonal chamber with black marble walls. Their mirror shine is clouded with dust as the ship shakes and damages the stone tiles.
The droid says, “This is the Chamber of Duty. I’m afraid the ritual will take too long, Your Highness. What are we to do?”
We’re in this already. There’s nothing to do but do it as fast as possible and get it right on the first try!
Let’s try to break through the door!
The bulkhead resists your foolish assault. You are tired and sore and before you can come up with a better plan, you are destroyed.Well, that went well.
Game Over
You rush into a small square room with chrome floor and ceiling and a bulkhead on each wall.
The bot says, “You did it! I’ve never seen anyone recite the lineages of the Queens so quickly! Have you considered a career in Epic Rap Battles? But we’re in the Chamber of Hope. There is a direct entrance to the ship’s bridge from here. We could go in ourselves, bypassing the end of the ritual. You won’t be crowned queen, but you will be able to activate the ship’s shields.”
Or I could use the radio to surrender to the Borgons! They’d stop firing on us. Being a Borgon slave beats dying!
No, I’ll go through the last ritual. The captain is much better than me at running this ship.
I’m going to raise the shields and get us out of here!

You are now a Borgon slave.
Sometimes you’re not entirely sure it is better than dying.
Protocol Droid is VERY DISAPPOINTED.Well, that went well.
Game Over
You choose the door to the Chamber of Strength. The ship rocks as you cross via ladder rungs on the ceiling. The fear of taking too long weighs heavily on you.
You now have two cybernetic arms.
You make it to the control room. The weary crew hurries to take their posts as the Ritual Mode ends.
The droid says, “You have done well, and restored control to the ship.”
Your father is here, in ritual dress. He looks exhausted. “We are honored to crown you our Queen.” He places the crown on your head with no further ceremony. “Behold the battle continues.”
Through the view port, you see the Borgon cruisers and the silent fire of battle.
You live, if not happily, honorably ever after.
The End.
You skip the final trials and rush straight to the control room. With the ship in Ritual Mode, the crew are trapped in observation lounges. You turn on every sheild and defensive control you can find.
You turn to find the droid has found the control for Ritual Mode and deactivated it. Doors slide open and the crew, looking anxious and weary, run to their posts.
The king, your father, is here. The droid says, “You have saved us all, single handedly! Behold, the king is grateful. He cannot crown you queen today, but the nobility have all agreed that you are to be knighted for your heroism.”Your heart swells with pride. You kneel and your father Knights you while the battle rages silently in splashes of light against the black of space. You rise to watch the Borgon Cruisers flee. Your father hugs you. It is the best thing ever.
Indy · February 1, 2016 at 5:56 pm
“I am vaguely certain this is your fault.”
I need a macro for this line…
Marie · February 1, 2016 at 6:41 pm
Hee. Yeah. With Droid Disapproval emoticon.
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